Operational Resilience Workshops

Following the introduction of regulation and guidance on operational resilience by several regulators, many organisations have either started or are starting a programme to become more resilient. Our series of workshops aims to guide organisations along their operational resilience journey by providing a mix of interactive exercises as well as thought leadership.

There are four workshops in the series which will run from March to April –

  • What is Operational Resilience
  • Governance & Resilience
  • Risk Management & Resilience
  • Building a Plan
  • Frameworks
  • Response Plans
  • Third-Party Considerations
  • Incident Response Planning
  • Third-Party Dependencies
  • Business Continuity
  • Lessons Learned – Incident Reviews
  • Recovery Strategies
  • Exercising the Plans
  • Getting Back to Normal
  • Dates

    Register your interest for our next training dates - due to be announced soon.

  • Who Should Attend

    Those with responsibility for operational resilience in the organisation. Typically, this could be the risk management officer, compliance officer, operations manager or other members of the management team.

  • Format of Delivery

    This will be delivered online. Each workshop will last 2 hours with two weeks between each workshop.

€495 per Individual
€495 per Individual

CPD Approved

CPD Approval by CU Learn (ILCU), LIA and the IoB